Animal Behaviorist Manhattan

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Dog Training NYC

Dog Training NYC

Ramella’s Canine Academy specializes in modifying and managing the behavior of particular dogs, with emphasis on problems such as aggression, separation anxiety, fears, timidity, phobias, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors. I studied under Anthony Jerome, the founder of The Academy of Canine Education and became a Certified Master Dog Trainer. Both field work and classroom studies served to broaden my knowledge of dog behavior and training strategies. Presently, I am living my dream educating owners and their dogs. It has been my experience that training with compassion develops the purest form of love, and a life long bond between you and your dog.

Manhattan Dog Trainer

 All my life, dogs have provided me with a sense of peace and tranquility. Their simplicity and the unconditional love they give have always been a source of great joy, and the basis for my passion and desire to make working with dogs my life’s work. I have been successfully training dogs for over 15 years on a full-time basis. During that time, my success as a trainer was not only the result of classroom instruction, but also from self-study, and most importantly an inherent and heartfelt connection with dogs of all breeds.  Read More about Ramella
Dog Trainer NYC
Learn more about Therapy Dog Training in Manhattan

Therapy Dog Trainer NYC